Chapter 382 Mother God's Manifestation (3)

After thinking it through, Zhou Ying threw in three more bags of flour.

After ensuring there was enough food for the refugees to eat for two days, she left her interspace.

After that, she sat up and scanned her surroundings. After confirming she was still alive, she finally fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, just as the sun rose, the refugees in the Mother God Temple were in an uproar.

A few old women ran out happily and kneeled, raising their heads and shouting, "Mother God has manifested; she has manifested!"

The men, who didn't believe this at first, ran in and saw the six bags of flour in the room after seeing their crazy looks. They cried bitterly and kneeled piously, kowtowing repeatedly.

As for why they were given mixed flour, no one was in the mood to think about it. They only knew they could finally have a full meal.