Chapter 431 Palace Banquet (3)

"I'm afraid that's inappropriate of me; as a commoner, I cannot sit on this seat." Zhou Ying shook her head and smiled.

The Third Prince couldn't figure out what the Empress Dowager was thinking, so he stood up and said, "Imperial Grandmother, don't scare her. I'm still counting on her to cook a few delicious meals for me."

"Oh, that means her cooking isn't bad." The Empress Dowager asked in surprise.

At the same time, seeing her neither servile nor overbearing attitude, she knew that Zhou Ying was not afraid of her. It was just that it was not easy to press on further due to her imperial status.

After that, she asked her personal maid, Nanny Liu, to bring a stool for Zhou Ying to sit on her right.

"Yes, her cooking is quite to my taste." the Third Prince replied.

"Really? What's your specialty?" The Empress Dowager turned to look at Zhou Ying.

"Egg Fried Rice," Zhou Ying replied after a moment of surprise.