Chapter 487 Practicing Calligraphy

After Haitang left, Zhou Ying took off her cotton jacket. It was really too hot in the room.

Once she had finished her work, she put on her cotton jacket again and went to the small kitchen beside the east wing to close the fireplace.

Lunch was simple. There were flatbread, stir-fried pork slices, and some noodles.

Zhou Ying invited Haitang to sit down and eat with her.

However, as soon as the flatbread entered her mouth, she frowned and looked up at Haitang. "Haitang, did you knead this with warm water?"

"Yes, it's more gentle to eat this way."

"But it's still a little too hard. Next time, use half a portion of the dough made with hot water and the other half at a normal temperature. Remember, the dough must be soft and just big enough to be held in your hands."

"Alright, I'll try that." Haitang nodded thoughtfully.