Chapter 503 You Can't Marry Her

When Sun Miaoke heard that her cousin brother would beg the Emperor to marry her, she was both worried and happy.

She felt that she had not misjudged him.

However, when she heard her aunt's objection, she was shocked.

She did not expect that her aunt, who had always been kind and amiable to her, would suddenly oppose their marriage.

Mrs. Sun shook her to ensure that Sun Miaoke returned to her senses before saying earnestly, "Miaoke, if your aunt's attitude is that firm, then you only have one way out, and that is to elope.

"However, the consequences of that will be serious.

"First, if you escape, you'll be considered dead. You'll have to hide your names for the rest of your lives.

"If things don't go well in the future, you two might blame and hate each other. In the end, you two will end up miserable.

"Second, if you are captured, what awaits you will be death, which will definitely implicate both our families.