Chater 528 The End Of The Cui Family (2)

"Sorry to disturb you, Uncle Yan, but I have a favor to ask." Zhou Huaiming cupped his fists and bowed.

"Oh, do tell." Lord Yan asked him after he sat down.

Zhou Huaiming didn't stand on ceremony and told him how the wedding envoy had been forced to stop. He continued, "I feel that there was something fishy about this matter, so I wanted to find those people and their master."

After hearing this, Lord Yan felt that Zhou Huaiming was making a mountain out of a molehill. After all, it was not uncommon for people to loan out high-interest loans, especially since the past few years have seen so many natural disasters.

However, these were usually done by people at the lower end of society and could not cause any problems at large.

However, when he thought of Sun Miaoke, he honestly felt a little guilty. In addition, they were relatives, so he decided to investigate and see if someone was behind this.