Chapter 558 The End Of The Cui Family

The others weren't any better off either. They were all frightened.

This was especially true for the guilty Mrs. Cui. Her originally pale face had turned green from shock.

Just as everyone was still recovering from their shock, a 100-foot-tall phantom of the Mother God appeared in the air and slowly said, "Heaven has long arms. The good will be rewarded with good, while the evil with evil."

After saying that, she gradually disappeared.

King An, the first to regain his senses, immediately knelt and said, "I bid your farewell, Mother God."

With his words, everyone quickly returned to their senses and immediately knelt and kowtowed.

Mrs. Shen, on the other hand, had a look of despair on her face. Remembering that she had not finished her oath, she heaved a sigh of relief and kowtowed three times to Mrs. Cui.

She then kowtowed to Yang Wanning and said, "I'm sorry, young miss, I was wrong.