Chapter 619 Looking For A Companion

While checking out the many different places, Zhou Ying glanced at the Gu Family and left after ensuring they were safe.

She didn't expect that King Rui and Zhou Huaiming had gone to a Mother God Temple to offer incense.

What King Rui prayed for was for his residence to be safe.

Zhou Huaiming instead prayed that all the border crossings would be peaceful this year.

Additionally, Zhou Ying discovered that a few serious disaster-struck places, such as Pingyang Province, had already begun to run out of food.

Fortunately, traveling through the river was finally possible. Grain merchants transported grain from all over the country to these places without caring about the quality of it.

The situation was still stable after factoring in wild vegetables and stocks of dried vegetables.

Seeing this, Zhou Ying sprinkled seeds around the barren lands through her interspace—perilla, dandelion, amaranth, and hemp vegetables.