Chapter 625 Discovery

"You're still too inexperienced. Back then, the true culprits were the Empress, the Marquis of Ding'an, and us, who also helped secretly.

"Our actions went along with the Emperor's wishes, so the Emperor followed the flow.

"Moreover, if the Emperor gave the throne to King Rui, do you think the Zhou Family or King Rui would still hold onto a grudge?"

"I see."

"Yes, but we still have to guard against the Empress. She is a poisonous snake. It will be bad if she targets us."

Seventh Su nodded and ate breakfast with his father.

He ordered Su Qing, his follower, to find the servant in King Rui's Residence. He ordered the servant to keep an eye on anyone coming and going from the residence. At the same time, he also checked the forces King Rui left in the capital.

As for the Empress, who everyone was worried about, she was sick and could not even get up from her bed.

But Marquis Ding'an started to move after receiving the news.