Chapter 648 Just You Watch

"Mistress, please punish me. I messed up this mission." Magu kneeled after saying that.

"What's going on? Thirty men can't even overcome two people?" Mrs. Lu immediately sat up and asked.

"Someone saved them. I heard from the coachman who escaped that the bandits had already encircled them, and Gu Chengrui was injured.

"They just needed some time, and those two would definitely be beaten to death.

"However, a group of cavalrymen suddenly came and shot several of them to death. In addition, they came forward to help, so..."

"Cavalry? Do you know who they are?" Mrs. Lu's eyes narrowed.

"I'm not sure. The coachman was far away then and didn't hear what they said, but the couple and the cavalry seemed to know each other.

"After that, the husband and wife rushed to the dock under the escort of half of the cavalry. After interrogating the rest, they were all killed and buried nearby."

"Interrogate them? Do they know your identity?"