Chapter 657 A Series Of Assassinations (2)

When the assassins saw the riderless horses, they were dumbfounded.

At the same time, they noticed King Rui and the rest standing some distance away. They hurriedly rushed over.

"Get ready, throw!" Zhang Ping shouted.

The oil lamps were quickly flung toward the assassins in an instant, and a torch was accurately thrown onto the spilled alcohol.

In an instant, the intense alcohol formed a wall of fire. Also, the assassins couldn't differentiate the knockout powder from the smell of alcohol fumes.

But soon, a portion of the men in black began to feel dizzy.

Gu Chengrui sent over another ten jars and said, "Throw them a little closer."

Zhang Ping nodded. After the assassins broke through the first line of defense, he gave another order and threw them along with another torch.