Chapter 169 Lady, Please Have Some Self-Respect

Gu Chengrui saw that he couldn't avoid it and could only agree to play some chess games.

However, his Go Chess skill was not that good. He only won one game out of five.

Gu Chengrui stood up and said, "Your Highness, let's call it a day. I really have something to do in the afternoon." "

"Don't; it's boring here. Let's play another round and wait for this pot of tea to be finished before leaving."

"Sure, please take a seat first. I have to go to the toilet."

"That's good. There's a toilet when we pass by this garden." King Kang pointed to a spot.

"Wait a moment." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he walked through the garden to the toilet.

When they reached the garden, Zhou Ying reminded him, "Be careful. There are two maids and a girl hiding outside the garden.

"Moreover, that woman is really beautiful. If I'm not wrong, King Kang is trying to use a honey trap to rope you in."