Chapter 708 Notified

"How about the price?"

"I haven't decided yet, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"That's good. This way, we don't have to worry about the meat dishes in the two restaurants."

"That's what I thought too. We'll see how things turn out. If we still have some money left, we can buy another ordinary manor and store more food."

"Alright, just make the arrangements.

"As for the money, you don't have to worry. Don't forget that there are many treasures in our interspace."

When Gu Chengrui heard her say that, he immediately recalled the money she had received from Marquis Ding'an's two families. "When you take those things out, check them clearly for any marks. Don't wear any marks, or you'll get into trouble."

"I will. I'll clean it up properly later."

"Master, Mistress, dinner is ready. Do you want to eat now?" Qiuxiang walked in and asked.

"Let's eat now." Zhou Ying replied.