Chapter 747 Gifting A Mother God Statue

In the evening, Gu Chengrui had a meal in his old house and brought Gu Chenglin home.

After entering the house, he told Gu Chenglin, "Unpack your luggage. I'll go boil some hot water. Let's have a good hot bath."

After saying that, he went to the west room to grab the bathtub and towel before going to the kitchen.

Gu Chenglin picked up his luggage and started unpacking.

Gu Chengrui went into the kitchen and lifted the lid to look. The pot was clean, but some oil was in it to prevent rust. He had to wash it well.

Only then did he realize there was no water or firewood in the kitchen. He could not boil water at all.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy and found himself back outside the interspace's warehouse.

"You can do this?" He asked Zhou Ying in surprise.

"Of course, you forgot that I used the space to deal with Mrs. Tian and that coachman."