Chapter 762 Giving Birth To A Daughter

In the blink of an eye, it was autumn, and the fruits on the farm had ripened.

This morning, Gu Chengrui was about to go to the manor to teach everyone how to brew wine when Zhou Ying suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. 

She quickly stopped him. "Rui, don't go. I think I'm going to give birth."

"Huh? That quickly?" Gu Chengrui was stunned. After he reacted, he quickly asked Shizhu to call Mother Qiu and the midwife over.

He helped Zhou Ying sit on a chair and took her pulse. After a while, his hand trembled. "You're really going to give birth, but it looks like it's still early. Let me help you walk around the courtyard."

"Alright." After Zhou Ying finished speaking, she slowly walked out with him.

Not long after, Mother Qiu and the midwife rushed over. They quickly set up the delivery room and prepared everything they needed.

Zhou Ying's contraction had also begun when they were almost done with their preparations.