Chapter 774 Smallpox (7)

That person even started to sob.

"Not only can it be transmitted through contact, but it can also be transmitted through saliva and breathing. That's why it's so terrifying." Gu Chengrui replied.

"That, that, isn't it…"

"That's right. Did the grain shop deal with anyone from outside the capital?"

"Not really. The shop is small, so it mainly sells to nearby residents."

"By the way, have you heard the manager mention where the Marquis of Ding'an's second son is hiding?"

"No, he probably doesn't know either. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been threatened."

"Alright, cooperate with our treatment. You might be able to survive." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.

After disinfecting himself, he sent a memorial to the Emperor and told him everything he had found.