Chapter 799 Taking Care of the Child

"Little brother, you're too small to play with." The Eldest Princess glanced at a prince and replied with disdain.

"Didn't I say that it would be fine in two years?"

"When is two years?"

"Hmm, you just need to eat two more seasons of grapes."

"Grapes!" The Eldest Princess' small eyes immediately lit up when she heard that.

When Zhou Ying saw this, she knew that this girl really loved grapes. Unfortunately, it was out of season, so she dared not take it out again.

"Yes, grapes. You can play with your brother after eating them two more times. Now, Auntie will play these building blocks with you, okay?" Zhou Ying stepped forward and said.

When the Eldest Princess saw her, her eyes lit up. She immediately recognized that she was the person who had played with her before. She went forward and pulled her hand. "Auntie, play."