Chapter 844 Climbing Up the Social Ladder

"That's right. Just send someone over if you need us.

"If there's anything you don't understand in the palace, you can ask the Grand Empress Dowager. She's your anchor here." Zhou Ying echoed.

"After hearing what you said, I suddenly feel much more confident." Gu Wanning smiled.

"You're a person with great capabilities. It's just that you're not used to suddenly taking on heavy responsibility. You'll get used to it slowly." Mingyu said.

Only then did Gu Wanning relax.

After that, they chatted for a while, ate two plates of watermelons with the four children, and played for a while.

At noon, the three brought the four children together for lunch.

After the meal, Gu Wanning rested for a while before returning to work.

Mingyu and Zhou Ying played with the children for half the afternoon. They left the palace with their children only when the weather cooled down.