Chapter 864 Understanding

The citizens on both sides kneeled down and shouted, "Welcome back, Your Majesty. Long live the Emperor! Long live! Long live!"

The Emperor was quite excited when he heard the cheers.

The cheers were way louder and clearer when he ascended the throne.

It seemed that people's hearts were now clear and pure.

Even if you ascend the throne and become the Emperor, if you don't do anything, people won't really recognize you.

He dismounted and said, "Everyone, please rise. I am here to thank you, dear ministers, and the people for your support in the rear.

"Let us build together a more prosperous and respectable Great Ming."

"My Emperor is wise." King Xian bowed.

Everyone shouted, "Long live our Emperor! Long live your majesty!

"Long live! Long live…"

The shouts got louder and louder, lingering in the sky above the capital for a long time. Not to mention the people in the capital; even those in the suburbs heard it clearly.