Chapter 894 The Consort Selection Begins

The two women met each other's gaze, an unspoken understanding passing between them. They stayed silent and simply bowed their heads in acknowledgement.

Bai Yang, recognizing their silence, addressed them sternly. "Do you realize where you are? Have you considered the consequences if someone dies here and the Great Ming officials investigate?"

"If you value your lives," he continued, "persuade the princess to accept her fate and marry the Emperor. Otherwise, none of us will be spared, and you yourselves might even die alongside the princess."

Following his admonition, Bai Yang arranged for the imperial physician attending their party to tend to the injured maid. He then personally approached Princess Jiarou's chambers and knocked on her door.

Upon answering the door, Princess Jiarou offered him not even a single glance. Turning away, she returned to her seat and said, "If your purpose is persuasion, spare yourself the effort."