Chapter 943 Encounter

After exploring the upstairs area, Mingyu and Zhou Ying decided it was time for dinner. They gathered the guards and headed to the Mother God Temple kitchen for a simple meal. 

Later, they each also donated 1,000 taels for incense.

Once dinner was finished, Zhou Ying noticed the stunning display of blooming peach blossoms on the mountain. "How about we go take a closer look?" 

"Absolutely," Mingyu agreed. "I heard there are stone benches for resting on the mountain."

The group ascended the mountain with the guards automatically forming a protective circle around them.

It wasn't uncommon to see people enjoying the mountain scenery, particularly artistic students. Groups of three to five sat together, writing poems and painting.

Suddenly, Guoguo pointed and shouted, "Little Uncle!"

Zhou Ying turned to see Gu Chenglin sketching on a stone bench with some classmates.