Chapter 953 New Year's Money

"That's quite alright, Sister-in-law," Mrs. Bai insisted. 

"If you need anything at all, just ask Qiuxiang. She'll be staying here to assist you for now." Zhou Ying acknowledged Mrs. Bai's thanks with a nod towards Qiuxiang. 

"Thank you, Sister-in-law. Understood."

"Well then," Zhou Ying said, "get some rest. We can discuss anything else tomorrow." With that, she turned and left.

The next morning, Gu Chengrui requested, "Prepare two more tables of food today. I'm inviting relatives from our hometown and Second Uncle's family. Let's have a big gathering."


"Yes, noon. It's safer during the day."

"Alright, I'll start preparing after lunch."

After lunch, Gu Chengrui said, "I'll take Chengsi to meet the family. Remember to give the children red envelopes."

"Got it," Zhou Ying replied. She went to her room to prepare twenty red envelopes. Besides Gu Chenglin's containing 1,000 taels of silver, the rest held ten taels each.