Chapter 976 Report

A smile spread across Gu Chengrui's face. "So you agree?"

"This lowly official is at your command," General Liu confirmed, cupping his fists.

"Excellent. Gather your troops and raid the residences of the magistrate, the judge, and everyone implicated in this scheme. First, imprison their families."

"All the officials involved, remember that."

"Yes, I'll see to it immediately," General Liu affirmed. "However, what about my..."

"You're one of the key culprits," Gu Chengrui stated frankly. "While I can guarantee your family's safety, you'll have to confess about the embezzled funds. Ultimately, the Emperor will decide whether you retain your position."

General Liu understood. "I see. I'll handle it right away." He retrieved his official seal and wasted no time carrying out the orders.