Chapter 981 Ascending the Mountain

"The girl's father was speechless, overwhelmed by the sudden decision. 

Zhou Ying, sensing his hesitation, offered a solution. 'We'll be spending two days up in the mountains. Take that time to consider your answer. If you choose to leave, bring your household registry. Otherwise, you're free to do as you wish. However, this barbaric practice of drowning must cease. It's blatant murder.'"

With those words, she signaled to Gu Chengrui. After the carriage arrived, they rejoined the group and ascended the nearby mountain.

Once a significant distance separated them from the village, the crowd dispersed.

The clan leader glared at the girl's family of three before flicking his sleeves and storming off with his son.

Witnessing their departure, the girl's father's heart sank. He understood that they were destined to become enemies without a marriage alliance. Perhaps leaving wasn't such a bad idea after all.