Chapter 983 The Fledgling Flying (2)

At that moment, Guoguo stood defiantly, clutching a short sword, facing down a wild boar. Neither dared to make the first move, but neither wanted to back down.

The commotion from Gu Chengrui's group reaching their location startled them both, particularly the boar. It let out a frustrated grunt and took two menacing steps back. Then, with a lowered head, it charged aggressively at Guoguo.

Panic surged through Guoguo, but she reacted quickly, swinging her sword and slashing diagonally at the boar's head as she dodged to the side. The impact severed half of one of the boar's tusks.

Enraged by the attack, the wild boar let out a shriek and pivoted to charge again. Guoguo met its turn with another swing of her sword, this time leaving a deep gash on its body, drawing blood. The boar's fury intensified and charged at her even more ferociously.