Picking Oil Tea Fruits

Ji Xiang couldn't find Li Yu after circling the mountain. He caught a few pheasants and hares and carried them home. When he returned home, he reported to Zhou Jia, "Young Master, I searched everywhere but couldn't find Miss Li. I did catch a few pheasants and hares though."

Zhou Jia took out the Qi Min technique and placed it in front of Ji Xiang. "I already know what the oil tea tree is like. Do you remember the pool we saw when we picked herbs last year? The oil tea tree is a little past the pool."

Ji Xiang glanced at the painting in the book and felt that he did not understand what it was. "I remember! Shall I go again now?"

Zhou Jia smiled and shook his head. "No need. When you come back from the mountain, I'll go with you tomorrow morning."

Ji Xiang looked at Zhou Jia in confusion. "Young Master, are you really going to help Miss Li pick the oil tea fruits?"

Zhou Jia nodded and rolled his eyes like Li Yu. "What's wrong? Can't I go?"