Enemies on a Narrow Road

Li Yu and Zhou Jia walked to a two-story wooden shop. Li Yu saw a striking big sign hanging above the tall door, Spring Breeze Restaurant.

Zhou Jia turned around and said to Li Yu with a smile, "Miss Li, the chef of this restaurant is best at making Eight Treasure Duck. There are also some snacks that taste good. Try them later and see if you like them."

"Okay." Li Yu and Zhou Jia entered the restaurant. The waiter eagerly brought the two of them upstairs and arranged for them to sit by the window. Zhou Jia looked at the waiter. "Bring one of your Eight Treasure Duck and other dishes and some snacks."

"Alright, please wait a moment." The waiter went in to pass the dishes. Li Yu looked at the endless crowd downstairs.

Zhou Jia introduced it to Li Yu. "This street is the most prosperous street in Green Mountain. Most of the people living around here are famous families and some rich families in the city."