Birthday Celebration (2)

Li Mei placed the glutinous rice wine and glutinous rice cakes in the kitchen and asked Li Yu with a smile, "Yu'er, what do I help you with?"

Li Yu pointed at the vegetables in the bamboo basket and said, "Aunt, help me wash the vegetables. I'll go chop meatballs."

Li Yu took out a piece of meat, cut it into pieces, and placed some ginger rice into it. Li Yu used all her strength to chop the meat, and it was chewy and smooth.

Li Yu chopped the meat into minced meat with starch and egg white. With a little salt and a little wine, Li Yu grabbed the meat and squeezed it into a meatball. Soon the meatballs were made and placed aside for backup. Li Yu began to make the dipping sauce. The dipping sauce was mixed with sesame, peanut minced pepper, and red oil chili in a bowl. It smelled fragrant and spicy, and it must taste good with meat.