Night Attack

Chen Yaohui and his brother looked at each other and made up their minds to follow Li Yu and the others.

The two of them confirmed their gazes and nodded at Li Yu. "Xiaoyu, let's go to your house first and help weigh the food."

"Alright, sorry to trouble you." Li Yu and Chen Yaohui went out and saw the old man still standing at the door. Chen Yaohui looked at him and went forward to support him. "Uncle, why are you standing at the door? Aren't you going in?"

Uncle looked at Chen Yaohui and smiled bitterly. "I wanted to go to Xiaoyu's house to buy some food. Just as I reached your door, I met Xiaoyu."

Li Yu didn't know how to address him for a moment. She took a step forward. "Old man, let's go! Let's go to my house to weigh the grains."

Chen Yaohui helped the old man towards Li Yu's house.

When he arrived at Li Yu's courtyard, he saw that there were already seven to eight villagers standing at the door with baskets and sacks.