
Chen Yaozu brought a basin of cold water and splashed it on Ye Lianggong to wake him up. He pointed the machete at him and shouted, "Tell me, what medicine did you give Baozhen? What exactly do you want?"

Ye Lianggong was so cold that he was trembling. Seeing Chen Yaozu waving the machete in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Kill me if you dare. You won't be able to escape responsibility then."

Chen Yaozu raised his machete with bloodshot eyes and was about to slash when Li Yu hurriedly pulled him back. Li Yu sneered and looked at Ye Lianggong. "Isn't it too easy on you to kill you? Uncle Chen, drag him to the Phoenix Mountain to feed the wolves."

Ye Lianggong trembled in fear. Feeding the wolves again? Why are the siblings the same?

"Okay." Chen Yaohui went forward and dragged Ye Lianggong away. Only then did Ye Lianggong become afraid. "I'll talk, I'll talk."