
Li Mei saw that Li Yu had bought so many people again and complained softly, "Why are they all old and weak? Is it a waste of food to buy them?"

Seeing Li Mei's disdainful look, they wished they could hide, afraid that Li Mei would chase them away.

Li Yu pulled Li Mei and whispered to her, "Aunt, these people are very pitiful. They can't even be sold to the brothel. Look, my place is big. I plan to buy some chickens, ducks, and geese, as well as pigs and cows to feed. We can get the elders and young children to feed the animals."

Li Mei turned around and saw the frightened expressions of the elders and children. She sighed. "Alright! Do as you see fit! The threads spun by the women from the two families we brought back last time were really good. They were spun evenly and well. Grandma Chen and the others put in more effort when they saw the threads."