Catching Thieves

Li Yu turned around and went to the slope where the cows were. She looked around and saw that the fence was also intact.

Li Yu returned to the chicken shed and said to Jin Jiu, "Brother Jin, it hasn't been peaceful these days. You have to be more vigilant when you guard the pigpen at night. If you encounter thieves, shout loudly. Don't fight head-on. Safety is more important."

When Jin Jiu heard Li Yu tell him not to fight head-on, his eyes couldn't help but turn red. His previous bosses had all said, "You can't afford to pay with your lives if something is stolen," But Miss said that safety is more important. He felt he really met a benevolent master this time.

Jin Jiu bowed excitedly to Li Yu. "Miss, thank you for buying my family. Ever since we arrived, our family feels that we still have some hope."