
The women and old people left in the forest looked at the children sleeping soundly in the cave. They did not feel sleepy at all and waited anxiously for news from Brother Yang and the others.

Madam Ma, Yang Chun's wife, said to Old Turtle Yang's wife, "Sister-in-law, why do I feel so flustered? Did something happen to them?"

Old Turtle Yang's wife spat a few times. "Can't you think of something better? I'm still counting on them to avenge me!"

"Yes! Perhaps I was too worried," Madam Ma said as she walked out of the cave. "It's almost ten in the morning. Snow is starting to fall again today. I want to go to the village entrance to take a look."

Yang Yong's mother stood up. "It's almost dawn. Logically speaking, it should already be done. Leave a few people to watch the children. Let's go take a look."