Every Family Has Its Own Troubles

The two of them returned to the front courtyard. Uncle Zhou, Auntie He, Ruyi, Zhao Cai, Ji Xiang, and the other servants were waiting in front of the central room. When they saw the two of them return, they bowed. "Greetings, Young Master and Young Madam."

Zhou Jia smiled and said to Li Yu, "Madam, you know them all. I won't reintroduce them."

Li Yu smiled and nodded. Uncle Zhou led a few people and bowed. "Yes, Young Madam."

Li Yu smiled and looked at Uncle Zhou, Auntie He, and Ruyi. "Everyone, there's no need to be so polite. Just be as casual as before."

"Yes, Young Madam," they said respectfully.

Li Yu looked at Ruyi. "Ruyi, your wedding with Xiaoyu is in a month. Is everything ready?"

Ruyi took a step forward and bowed. "Young Madam, it's all done."

Zhou Jia looked at Zhao Cai and Ji Xiang and smiled. "The two of you should work harder too. Hurry up and find a wife. I'll get the three of you married."