
The next day, Zhou Jia brought Li Yu and the others to the residence bestowed by the emperor on East Street. When they walked to East Street, they saw that the street was bustling and crowded.

The few of them walked all the way and found a vermilion mansion with fresh paint. They looked up and saw that the tall lintel was carved with exquisite patterns. The word Zhou Mansion was written on it, and there was a pair of majestic stone lions in front of the door.

Zhou Jia said to Li Yu, "This is it."

The few of them went up the steps and walked to the door. A well-dressed man walked up to Zhou Jia and Li Yu and bowed. "May I ask if you're Mr. Zhou and Madam Protector? I, Xu Lin, was sent by Shopkeeper Chu to wait for Madam Protector."

Zhou Jia cupped his hands and smiled. "Yes, thank you."

"It's only right." Xu Lin bowed and handed over the house key. He smiled and said, "I'll take my leave."

Ruyi handed a pouch to Xu Lin and sent him off.