Let Him Escape

Li Yu nodded and thought about the route Tu Gang confessed. She thought to herself, "Lack of manpower is a big problem. In the entire county office, other than me, only Xu Dong and Ruyi have offensive power. It's already not bad that Zhou Jia, Yang Wei, and Tiezhu can protect themselves. I hope Shen Wu can lend us some people. We can follow that bandit to scout the way tonight."

Ruyi brought the old woman and the woman to Li Yu and said to her, "The old woman's surname is Liu and her name is Xing. The young one's surname is Zhang and her name is Tao. Old Madam Liu used to cook for Squire Liu in town. Zhang Tao was sold by her husband's family and knows how to do housework and simple needlework."

Li Yu looked at the two people kneeling on the ground and said gently, "The two of you can get up! Old Madam Liu will be in charge of the food on the stove. The kitchen and stove have to be cleaned up. When you're free, help clean the house, understand?"