Shi Village

In the Green Dragon Stronghold, Tu Gang limped to the dam at the top of the mountain and lay on a pile of straw. He looked at Zuo Qing, who was cultivating, and thought about how to trick Zuo Qing into agreeing to take revenge.

After racking his brains for a long time, he suddenly thought of something.

"Our brothers will be going down the mountain to collect food in ten days. I can bring our brothers to exact revenge!"

After Tu Gang thought about it, he went back to get a basin of warm water and carried it to the dam where Zuo Qing was cultivating. He wet the handkerchief and handed it to Zuo Qing, saying obsequiously, "Big Brother, we'll be collecting food in a few days. My old horse is still at Little Peach's house! I want to go down the mountain with Uncle Cai and the others to exchange for my old horse. What do you think?"