Tough Mother

Li Yu looked at her and smiled. "Yes, I'm the wife of the new county magistrate. I bought that piece of wasteland outside the city. Today, I went up the mountain to look for water. I saw your village halfway up the mountain and wanted to ask if anyone would like to earn some money doing farm work. The salary is 15 copper coins a day. It doesn't include food and drinks. Is there anyone willing?"

Everyone was stunned. The woman asked happily, "Madam, is what you said true?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, you can follow me to the county office and let the county magistrate prove it to you."

"I believe you." The woman smiled excitedly. "My family is willing to help develop the wasteland. My family has finished farming the grains."

Everyone shouted at the same time, "Madam, when do we start working? We're willing to go."