Repairing the Wall

Scribe Tu sat in the carriage and rang the gong. He shouted along the street, "Folks, quickly gather at the county government gate. From today onwards, we will start repairing the city wall."

An old man with a head full of white hair and a wrinkled face opened the door and said to the scribe, "Scholar Tu, where would you get the money to repair the city wall? Even if we go to work without money, where will we get the money to buy materials?"

Scribe Tu looked at the old man and smiled happily. "Chief Tong, Lord Zhou took out all the silver his wife had saved. There's even the gold rewarded by His Majesty!"

"Pfft!" Clan Leader Tong spat at the scribe. "His Majesty rewarded it to Madam. Don't lie to this old man. Why should His Majesty reward a seventh-grade official's wife with silver?!"

Scribe Tu narrowed his eyes and said proudly, "You don't know about this! Lord Zhou's wife is a first-grade National Madam Protector. "