The Siblings Reunite

Liu Changmin gloated. "Zhang Defa! He's even older than Uncle. His hair is white and his face is bitter. He's getting by helping people move things!"

Old Village Chief sighed and said, "Zhang Defa was so smug back then! His son was taking the county-level examination and his family had business. Why didn't he think about who gave him these!"

Old Lady Chen curled her lips and said, "He's suffering retribution! This person! Don't do anything bad. Even the heavens are watching! Look at Xiaoyu's family now. They're so frugal!"

Chen Yaohui agreed. "Yes! It's retribution. Xiaoyu said that Zhang Defa would meet his karma. Everyone can see it."

At home, Li Qing said to Li Mei, "Aunt, in two days, I'll set off to Qingchuan to visit my sister. I'll go back to visit my parents' graves next year!"

Li Mei looked at Li Qing and shook her head. "Ji Xiang is sending the goods to the capital. I'm not at ease if you go back alone!"