Husband and Wife Reunion

The bailiff walked forward and said, "Who is Wang He who went to the government office to hand over the complaint? My lord is here to investigate!"

When the young woman saw the official, she cried even louder.

"I'm Madam Wang He. I went to the government office to report it." The old woman got up from the ground and staggered to Zhou Jia, about to kneel down.

Zhou Jia stopped her and said, "Wang He, you said in your lawsuit that your son was killed by your daughter-in-law. Do you have evidence?"

"Sir, I have no evidence." Old Madam He pointed at the corpse covered in a white cloth in the central room with trembling hands. Tears streamed down her face. "Sir, my son has always been in good health. He just caught a cold occasionally, but he was already drinking medicine! How could he leave so quickly? It must be that whore and adulterer who killed my son."