
Old Madam He followed the bailiff to the door and fell to the ground. The Wang family's neighbors looked at Madam Su who had been taken away. "Did Su Qinniang really kill her husband?"

"It's possible. Otherwise, the county magistrate wouldn't have arrested her!"

One of the neighbors watched as the bailiff brought Madam Su away. He turned around and saw Madam He kneeling on the ground holding the door frame. He hurriedly went forward to comfort her. "Auntie He, my condolences! You still have a grandson to support!"

Old Madam He knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky. She could not stop her tears from flowing. "Oh my god! I lost my husband and son in my old age. Oh my god! What sin have I committed? Why must you treat me like this?" The neighbor looked at Old Madam He and shed sad tears.

The bailiff brought Madam Su to the government office and reported to Zhou Jia, "Sir, Su Qinniang is here!"