Autumn Harvest

Big Brother Qin looked at County Lieutenant Yu coldly and sneered as he threw Yang Meiniang and Old Madam Yang at County Lieutenant Yu's feet. He pointed at the two of them and said, "Lord Yu, these two lowly slaves poisoned and harmed the mistress. Tell me what the punishment is."

Of course, County Lieutenant Yu knew that a person found guilty of harming the mistress of the house would be hanged, but that was his own family matter. Wouldn't he be a joke if he made a fuss in the government office? What would his colleagues in the government office think of him?

Lieutenant Yu looked at Yu Yan and Yu Chengyi, who were pulling at his lapels and crying in panic. He frowned and whispered to Brother Qin, "Brother, I know Yang Meiniang is in the wrong, but we can deal with her and Old Madam Yang in private! You didn't discuss it with me at all. Have you no regard for me? Don't you think you're going too far?"