
Li Yu thought of the child and said, "Have you found the relative of the child sent by the scribe? How do you plan to settle this child?"

"Mr. Tu has gone to arrange the funeral of the grandmother and granddaughter. He might not be back until later."

"Fine! Get busy!"

Li Yu sent Zhou Jia away and went to the front courtyard. Xiaoyu, Yu Niang, Aunt Zhang and Old Madam Liu sat on the brick bed and made a cotton-padded jacket for the child. The child and Seven Pounds lay on the brick bed and slept soundly. When the women saw Li Yu enter, they hurriedly stood up and bowed. Li Yu said in a low voice, "The scribe went to attend to the funeral of that child's grandmother and brother. He might not be back until later!"

Yu Niang hesitated for a moment and looked at Li Yu. "Madam, if no one adopts this child, can I raise him?"