Big Maple Village

"Hey!" Gu Yu agreed happily. She saw a gray-haired man walking out of the house into the courtyard. He waved his hand and shouted, "Uncle, I'm back!"

Gu Yu's uncle stood in the courtyard, not believing his ears. He looked at Gu Yu, who was getting closer and closer, slapped his legs, and shouted, "Dad, Mom, come and take a look! Girl Yu is back!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he had already run to the wooden door and opened it. There was a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with tears. "Yu! You're back!"

"I'm back. Uncle, why is your hair white?"

Gu Yu went forward and held his hand, looking at his gray hair worriedly. Seeing her uncle looking behind her, she hurriedly turned around and pointed at Li Yu. "Uncle, this is my Madam. My Madam came back with me."

Uncle Gu bowed to Li Yu. "Thank you, Madam. We thought we would never see Xiaoyu again."