
Er Ya and Little Stutterer asked Little Yezi curiously, "What's with Little Loach?"

Little Yezi looked at the mute who had walked away and said with lingering fear, "One day, Brother Loach and I were catching field chickens in a ditch outside the city and saw someone in his sack."

Little Stutterer said, "Ah! He… he's a human trafficker."

Little Yezi nodded. "He looks so scary!"

Er Ya nodded. "My brother said those human traffickers are very bad."

Little Loach quickly ran back to the manor. When he saw Yangyang and Seven Pounds playing with spinning tops in the drying field, he hurriedly said to Gu Yu, who was guarding at the side, "Sister Gu Yu, where did the steward go?"

Gu Yu pointed at the warehouse. "He went to the warehouse to find a rope to make a swing."

Little Loach hurriedly ran into the warehouse and shouted at the door, "Uncle Steward, there is a human trafficker coming up to the manor."