
Old Madam Wang endured the pain and watched the constable take Wang Zheng away. She turned to look at Madam Lin and said, "Follow me."

Madam Lin did not dare to disobey and could only lower her head and follow them to the backyard. When they reached the backyard, Old Madam Wang looked at Madam Lin and asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

Madam Lin wished she could slap herself. Why was she so useless as to say what she was thinking? "I, I… I think the magistrate's wife looks very similar to Jinniang. The magistrate's wife always targets us. I suspect that she's Jinniang's daughter. Now, she's back to take revenge on me and Master."

Old Madam Wang walked up to her and looked at her. "Jinniang was separated because of trouble back then. It wasn't you who harmed her. Besides, our Wang family didn't do anything to let her down. Why should she take revenge on us?"