Treat Yourself Well

Just as Zhou Jia arrived at the government office to settle his official business, Lin Zicong and Lin Tong came to Zhou Jia's room. They placed a dossier on Zhou Jia's desk and bowed to Zhou Jia. "Sir, the evidence of what Tian Zhong's family did is conclusive. Other than stealing and destroying the land, I also found out that they forcefully occupied the villagers' farmland. I sentenced Tian Zhong's family to 20 strokes of the cane, Tian Yin, and Tian Kuan to do hard labor for three months. Tian Zhong will compensate for the damaged seedlings and return the captured farmland. He will also be punished to pay 50 taels of silver."

Zhou Jia looked at the dossier and returned it to Lin Zicong with a smile. "Alright, this way, the black sheep in the village should be severely punished as a warning to others."

Lin Zicong cupped his hands and said, "Yes, sir."