Morning Joy

Chu Yuhao walked over and wrote down the word "Chenxi". He pointed at the words on the table and said to Shen Zhong, "Ah Zhong, come and see how I named Mr. Zhou's young master."

Shen Zhong walked closer and praised, "Chenxi, the meaning of morning joy is good! Your Majesty, you're so good to Mr. Zhou's family."

Chu Yuhao was also satisfied when he saw this. He stamped a small seal on it before handing the words to Shen Zhong and instructing, "Go to the storeroom and get a set of the Four Treasures of the Study and some children's toys. Also, get some cloth and hand it to the Four Seas Bank to be bestowed to Yunzhou."

"Yes." Shen Zhong bowed and left. Li Yu and Zhou Jia did not know that Chu Yuhao had changed Zhou Xi to Zhou Chenxi with a wave of his brush.

In early July, Ji Xiang followed Granny Han to Clearwater Town. Seeing that she had checked into an inn in town, he followed her in and quietly monitored her every move.