Reaping What She Sowed

At this moment, Brother Pig ran into the courtyard from outside and shouted, "Mother, Mother, Uncle Zhou told you to hurry up. There are people coming to congratulate Cousin."

Li Mei and Liu Changmin could not care less about the crying Laidi and hurriedly went out to welcome the guests. It turned out that Zhu Zhencheng, a few country squires, and the shopkeepers of some shops had come to congratulate them.

Laidi stood there in a daze for a while. She was still afraid that Liu Changmin would really chase her out of the Liu family. She returned to the room unhappily and lay on the bed.

Li Mei was worried that Laidi would go to Li Fengqi's house to help without care. She hurriedly asked Brother Pig to go back and watch Laidi. Brother Pig returned from Li Qing's house and looked at the sulking Laidi on the bed. He looked at her like he was an elder. "Second Sister, I didn't understand what Sir meant by extroverted girls. Now I understand. It means women like you."