
The garrison on the city wall of Yunzhou also saw the towering fire on the top of the mountain. Those who did not know the truth were guessing what was going on. Chu Sihai, Zhou Jia, and the garrison general stood on the city wall and looked at the red sky that was burned by the mountain fire. They were worried about Li Yu and Shen Shuo.

Deputy General Ouyang, the garrison general, turned to look at Chu Sihai and Zhou Jia. "Lord Zhou, Shopkeeper Chu, we received news this morning that the Qingzhou Prefecture has also discovered the abnormal movements of the Qi soldiers. A war is about to break out. The general ordered us to defend Yunzhou City to death. Seeing that the war is about to break out, it will be troublesome if someone colludes from the inside and outside. Shopkeeper Chu, have you captured the Wei family who colluded with the Qi people?"